Elixir Library - Ecto
Note on Ecto.
Ecto reflection
Ecto.Schema has built in reflection. Each schema macro generates a number of hidden functions for the module that allow me to introspect details about my schemas at runtime. Some of my favorites:Using Ecto version 3.11.1 documentation here.
iex()> MySchema.__schema__(:fields)
[:field1, :field2]
iex()> MySchema.__schema__(:type, :field1)
I use this reflection to avoid duplication, as in an all_fields
def all_fields do
Which can be used in the Changeset or anywhere I need to know all of the fields.
I also use this reflection for Schema validation testing:Thanks to my friend Jeffrey Matthias for sharing this gem with me.
defmacro validate_schema_fields_and_types(
) do
quote do
test "#{unquote(schema)}: it has the correct fields and types" do
schema = unquote(schema)
expected_schemas_and_types =
actual_fields_with_types =
for field <- schema.__schema__(:fields) do
type = field_type(schema, field)
{field, type}
assert Enum.sort(actual_fields_with_types) ==
def field_type(module, field) do
case module.__schema__(:type, field) do
%Ecto.Embedded{related: embedded_type}
} ->
{:embedded_schema, embedded_type}
{:parameterized, Ecto.Enum, enum_data} ->
{Ecto.Enum, Keyword.keys(enum_data.mappings)}
anything_else ->
This macro takes a module that contains an Ecto.Schema, and a list of {key, type}
tuples, and compares them using Ecto’s built in reflection.
For example with a Schema like this:
defmodule Bread do
use Ecto.Schema
@primary_key {
autogenerate: true
schema "bread" do
field :name, :string
field :kind,
values: [:yeast, :sweet, :flat]
field :gluten_free, :boolean
I can validate the fields and types like this:
@expected_fields_and_types [
{:id, :binary_id},
{:name, :string},
{:kind, {Ecto.Enum, [:yeast, :sweet, :flat]}},
{:gluten_content, {
[:contains_gluten, :gluten_free]
Here, I should get an error on the mismatch between :gluten_free
and :gluten_content
, my schema hasn’t been updated from boolean to enum yet.
Embedded Schema as Parser
Since Ecto schemas are separate from SQL, they can be used in places where SQL doesn’t make sense. For example, an embedded_schema
can be used as a low-power parser.Using Ecto version 3.11.1 documentation here.While Ecto can parse dates, it can only do iso8601 formatted strings. Anything outside that format will come back as “is invalid” with no helpful pointers.
defmodule MyParser do
use Ecto.Schema
@primary_key false
embedded_schema do
field :arrival_date, :date
field :thread_count, :integer
field :screw_type, Ecto.Enum,
values: [:wood, :drywall, :machine]
def all_fields do
The schema enables two things:
- I can define the field names and types.
- I can use Ecto’s built in reflection to avoid duplication.
import Ecto.Changeset
def parse(parameter_map) do
|> cast(parameter_map, MyParser.all_fields())
|> validate_number(:thread_count, greater_than: 0)
|> apply_action(:insert)
The schema can then be used with the Changeset
API to parse and validate an input map. The input map needs to have homogenous keys, either all atoms or all strings. Mixed keys are not allowed, as specified in the cast
Big Integer field types in Postgres with Ecto
As I wrote in a sidenote below, Ecto seems to pass types set in migrations through as the stringified version of the atom. So setting a bigint field in Ecto simply involves :bigint
:Using Ecto version 3.11.1 documentation here and Ecto SQL 3.11.1 documentation here.So far as I can tell, this isn’t documented. I found a few references to :bigint
in the source code of the Postgres adapter in Ecto.Adapters.Postgres
, but nothing about how to set it.
create table(:beaches) do
add :grain_count, :bigint
In Ecto
schemas, Elixir has arbitrarily sized integers so a bigint field uses :integer
defmodule Beaches do
use Ecto.Schema
schema "beaches" do
field :grain_count, :integer
UUID Keys in Ecto
In order to set UUID fields in Ecto, they must be configured in both the migrations for the tables and in the Schemas that live in Elixir modules.Using Ecto version 3.11.1 documentation here and Ecto SQL 3.11.1 documentation here.
These can be configured both manually on an ad-hoc basis, and globally for an entire project.
Manually setting UUID keys
If you’re using pure SQL to do your migrations, no change is needed, you can use the UUID
SQL type in your migration.
If you’re using the Ecto migration helpers then table
accepts a primary: false
create table(:pastas, primary: false) do
add :id, :uuid, primary: true
add :name, :string, null: false
add :spiraliness, :integer, null: false
Postgres supports a :uuid
type, but if you want to generate the UUIDs from Elixir, use :binary_id
.As far as I can tell, Postgres will understand any atom that directly corresponds to the name of a Postgres type. So the :uuid
here isn’t an Ecto thing, so much as a Postgres thing. The atom is getting transformed into a string that Postgres understands.
The type of a schemas Primary key can be set with the @primary_key
module attribute, the foreign key type can be set with the @foreign_key_type
module attribute:
defmodule MySchema do
use Ecto.Schema
@primary_key {:id, :binary_id, autogenerate: true}
@foreign_key_type :binary_id
schema "my_table" do
The @primary_key
attribute takes the name of the id field, the type of that field, and whether to autogenerate the ids on the Elixir side. The type of a id field in Ecto can only be :id
or :binary_id
as noted here. Where :id
is any integer type, and :binary_id
supports any binary format such as created by Ecto.UUID
The @foreign_key_type
follows the same typing, and needs to be set otherwise Ecto will assume any references
field will have an integer key type.
Globally setting UUID keys
For migrations, you can configure the :migration_primary_key
and :migration_foreign_key
. In config.exsThese could be under the same config :app
setting, but I’ve separated them here for visual clarity.Note that :app
and App
are your application name and should be replaced.:
config :app, App.Repo,
migration_primary_key: [type: :uuid]
config :app, App.Repo,
migration_foreign_key: [type: :uuid]
It’s bit tedious to set the module attributes for every single schema in a project. The documentation for Ecto suggests creating a Schema module that automatically sets the appropriate module attributes:
# A wrapper module that
# sets the module attributes that we want.
defmodule App.Schema do
defmacro __using__(_) do
quote do
use Ecto.Schema
@primary_key {
autogenerate: true
@foreign_key_type :binary_id
# Here I use App.Schema instead of Ecto.Schema
defmodule App.MySchema do
use App.Schema
Double nil
from Ecto.Repo.one/2
has this API:Repo.get/3
has a similar API that returns nil
on no results.
queryable :: Ecto.Queryable.t(),
opts :: Keyword.t()
) :: Ecto.Schema.t() | term() | nil
Specifically, it returns nil
to indicate no result.
However, if you write a queryable that selects a nullable field,
that field can also return nil
with no way to distinguish between the two cases.
query = from p in Post,
join: c in assoc(p, :comments),
where: p.id == ^post_id,
select: p.nullable_field
# `nil` but is it the value or a lack of one?
An alternate API could look like this:Using Repo.one/2
might be a code-smell that might lead to N+1 queries, but in the cases where it does make sense, I would like an unambiguous API.
def try_one(queryable, opts) do
case Repo.all(queryable) do
[one] -> {:ok, one}
[] -> {:error, :ecto_no_results}
other -> {:error, :ecto_multiple_results}
This gives us a result type (non-raising) alternative to Repo.one!/2
:This is the snippet from Repo.Queryable.one!/3
implemented here.
def one!(name, queryable, tuplet) do
case all(name, queryable, tuplet) do
[one] -> one
[] -> raise Ecto.NoResultsError, queryable: queryable
other -> raise Ecto.MultipleResultsError, queryable: queryable, count: length(other)