Kakoune is a vim-like modal terminal editor. It’s design philosophy diverges from vim, and so it’s keybinds don’t line up one-to-one.
Kakoune uses a object-verb style of operation, in contrast to Vim’s verb-object style. That is, in Kakoune, you select the text you want to operate on first, then choose which action you would like to perform.
Set tab width to 4 spaces
set global tabstop 4
Select text inside paired surrounding object
Select surrounding object
# insert mode
<c-r> # insert contents from the buffer selected by the next key
# insert mode completion
<c-x> # explicit insert completion query, selected by following letter
f # filename
# movement
m # select until next matching pair :doc options matching_pairs
<c-b> # pageup
<c-f> # pagedown
# changes
<a-d> # delete selection without yanking
<a-o> # Add empty line below cursor
<a-O> # Add empty line above cursor
<a-j> # join selected lines
<a-J> # join selected lines and insert spaces inserted in place of line breaks
> # indent selection
< # unindent selection
<a-gt> # indent everything including empty lines
<a-lt> # unindent including empty lines
# search
* # set the search pattern to selection
<a-*> # set search pattern to selection verbatim
# goto
ga # go to previous (alternate) buffer
gf # open file whose name is selected
# view
V # lock view mode
# object types
g, ` # select the enclosing grave quoted string
i # select the indentation block
u # select the argument
# prompt mode
<a-f> # advance to the next word begin
<a-b> # go back to the previous work begin
<c-r> # insert the content of the register given by the next key
<c-x> # explicit completion query
# options
set global scrolloff 15,5 # number of lines, columns to keep visible around the cursor while scrolling.
Disable Syntax Highlighting
sourceSource: answer in FAQ here
set global disabled_hooks '.+-highlight'