The CSS of this website is heavily inspired by Thomas Letan’s CSS, both from before and after his recent site overhaul. In particular, I used his styling for floating sidenotes on both sides of a central text.
This website’s text uses the Braille Institute’s Atkinson Hyperlegible Font.
This website’s code blocks use the Commit Mono.
The dark mode header color is from Xe Iaso’s website dark mode theme: #CDCD23
The dark mode background and text color is from Firefox’s setting screen:
Text color:
This website is generated by a custom Static Site Generator written in Elixir.Special thank you to Jeff Miller, who served as a copilot as I learned how the CSS worked and designed the static site generator.
Metadata - YAML
Markup - djot
The markup is parsed by the djot.js command line tool into the djot abstract syntax tree, which is then rendered by a custom port of djot’s html renderer into Elixir, with special handling for transforming footnotes into sidenotes.
This website is currently deployed on an OpenBSD virtual private server, served by nginx. TLS provided by Let’s Encrypt.Thank you to the excellent sntxrr of CoffeeOps who encouraged me to put up my own website.